Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Sean Skeeba -- friend, family member, father and grandfather -- was severely injured December 8 in a fire that started in his garage when he was working on a classic car. Sean was restoring a 1966 Chevy Impala when a freak accident caused an explosion that not only greatly damaged the car and much of his home, but also Sean. Sean, while stable at the moment, suffered third-degree burns (almost fourth degree) on close to 20% of his body, including his arm, back of his neck and face.

While Sean is currently recovering at KU Medical Center, where he's undergoing surgeries for skin-grafting and treatment, when he gets out of the hospital, he will face extensive expenses and potential disability (because he injured his right arm and hand).

We, the friends and family of Sean, appeal to you to show your love in this time of giving, and help defray expenses Sean will face, including:
  • Cost of ambulance ride and being life-flighted to the hospital.
  • Extensive deductibles (even though he has modest insurance coverage) for emergency room treatment, intensive care for three days, at least ten days in the burn unit, and more hospital visits.
  • Follow-up treatment as well as transportation.
  • Possible home health services.
  • Loss of income during this time as well as mobility and vocational issues.
  • Repair of the home, which suffered smoke and fire damage.
Please open your wallet or purse, pull out your credit card or some cash, and help Sean and his family recover from this devastating accident.